Saturday, July 9, 2011

What would you think of a girl that did this?

i dated a girl for close to a year and she had alot of personal baggage to deal with... i find myself thinking about her alot at night, and i was just thinking of how we broke up. i had noticed her acting strange for a month or two before February, little did i kno she had been planning to dump me on valentines day. to this day i cant understand why she would wait until i made reservations for us to go out and had planned to treat her that entire day to then drop it on me like that. i can't understand how she could stomach such a thing. i admit i am having a hard time getting over this but i mean would any person feel this way? she planned it just to hurt as much as she could. and i cant get why on earth she would do that, after everything... she could have just ended it earlier, but no, she kept quiet through all the planning so she could humiliate me in the worst way possible.

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